Gun Owners of America

Important 2012 Race in Big Sky Country

December 27, 2011

Dear Friend of the Second Amendment, I hope you are enjoying this holiday season. Even as we reflect on the blessings of the past year, GOA is preparing for major battles in the crucial election year of 2012.

One of the most important elections is taking place in Montana, where Steve Daines is running for the state’s lone seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Mr. Daines is a fifth generation Montanan, a successful businessman (an actual job creator) and an avid firearms enthusiast and sportsman.

I first interviewed Steve over the summer, after he had scored a perfect grade on the GOA survey.

I’ve since spent time getting to know Steve and his wife of 24 years, Cindy, and I can tell you he’ll be a true warrior in the battle over the Second Amendment.

And based on what’s going on in Washington, we need people like him in Congress.

Many members of Congress claim to support the right to keep and bear arms, but then go soft when they get pressured by their anti-gun colleagues, President Obama and the media.

Just this past year, following the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, we’ve seen Republicans and Democrats alike attempt to pass gun control laws in an effort to “do something” about crime.

And once again, the response to a shooting was to restrict the rights of the millions of Americans who had nothing to do with the violent act.

You and I know that “feel good” legislation restricting our gun rights only make us less safe, but that doesn’t stop the gun control crowd.

And that’s why it’s important to elect strong allies who, once elected, can be relied upon to stand firm for our gun rights.

Steve Daines is that kind of person. He understands that law-abiding gun owners are part of the solution to crime in America, not part of the problem.

Steve is a man of principle who will not support the Second Amendment one day, and then vote with Nancy Pelosi the next.

Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is proud to stand with Steve Daines for Congress, and we urge gun owners and sportsmen throughout the country to get behind this campaign as well.

Once he’s elected, he’ll be battling for the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.

You also know that it takes a lot of money to run a successful campaign on television and radio, and the end of the year financial reporting is a particularly important time for Steve’s campaign.

So please consider making a year-end contribution to this pro-gun champion by clicking here.

Thank you for standing with Steve Daines and on behalf of your friends at Gun Owners of America, have a happy and safe New Year.

Sincerely, Tim MacyVice Chairman

P.S. After you visit Steve Daine’s website, don’t forget to “Like” him on Facebook, too.