Gun Owners of America


Obama Administration Pushing UN Gun Control
Senator Moran Bill Would Cut Funding
of UN Small Arms Treaty

Kansas Senator Jerry Moran introduced legislation to prohibit the Obama administration from negotiating away our gun rights as part of the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

The ATT is a backdoor attempt to impose massive restrictions on U.S. gun rights. While negotiations on the treaty are being held behind closed doors, it is certain to include language that will:

* Require the registration and licensure of American firearms;

* Ban large categories of firearms;

* Require the mandatory destruction of surplus ammo and confiscated firearms;

* Define manufacturing so broadly that any gun owner who adds an accessory such as a scope or changes a stock on a firearm would be required to obtain a manufacturing license;

* Require “microstamping” of ammunition.

The treaty could also be self-executing, which would mean that it would achieve its anti-gun objectives whether or not implementing legislation was passed by Congress.

Some people think the U.S. would never sign off on such a treaty. Well, think again.

In 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the U.S. agreed to negotiate on the treaty.

That’s a shift from the Bush administration, which declared the ATT dead on arrival. President Bush wouldn’t have delivered the treaty to the Senate for ratification, but Obama can’t wait to use this vehicle as a way to show his anti-gun base that he is doing something on the gun control front.

GOA is continually briefing Senators on the dangers of this treaty. We even have a number of Senators who have committed in writing to oppose the treaty.

But one thing we fear is that the ATT is so massive (it would regulate everything from battleships to bullets) that many Senators may feel that the small arms portion is insignificant compared to the entire document.

A number of Senators who purport to be pro-gun could possibly go along with the treaty. It is also likely that no Democrat Senators – even those from so-called red states – will vote against the president in the months leading up to the election.

All this makes the Moran bill vitally important. S. 2205 will not allow the Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration to even attempt to negotiate away our gun rights.

The Moran bill is also a good test of which Senators are willing to stand against the president and oppose the ATT.

Please take a minute to urge your own Senators to cosponsor S. 2205, the Second Amendment Sovereignty Act of 2012.

And then please consider contributing to help GOA continue to battle this treaty and other attacks on the right to keep and bear arms:

It is important to act right away. Negotiations on the ATT are happening NOW! The committee at the UN in charge of the treaty expects to have a final draft ready by this summer. We need to use every means available to stop it in its tracks.

Please click here to contact your Senators today: