Gun Owners of America


Will Paul Ryan Smack Down the Administration over Fast & Furious?

Just recently, Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan -- “A” rated by Gun Owners of America -- became the 131st Representative to call for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation.

This came right about the time that a Spanish news outlet, Univision, presented an hour-long report which excoriates the Obama administration for its role in Operation Fast & Furious. Among the many items presented, Univision told their viewers that:

* There have been other Americans -- in addition to U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry -- who were murdered by Fast & Furious guns, such as Air Force medic David Booher who was executed at a Juarez bar;

* There are scores of other crime guns which came into Mexico as a result of Fast & Furious that have not yet been tallied by Congress, such as the weapons used to massacre over a dozen teenagers at a party in Mexico -- including some who were gunned down by lookouts as they escaped; and,

* There were other gun running operations, such as Operation Castaway which sent guns into Colombia, Honduras and Venezuela.

Univision also said that it was Bill Newell, the Phoenix ATF office leader, who decided that “the only way to track the guns was to wait for weapons to be recovered in crime scenes in Mexico.”

In regard to Newell’s statement, the Daily Caller says: “That charge, if true, would mean the Obama administration decided to allow cartel operatives to kill and injure people with the weapons it gave them, and to recover the guns only after criminals ditched them at brutal — often deadly — crime scenes.”

In other words, dead Mexicans were the price to pay for advancing gun control in this country.

As stated by Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), who sits on the congressional committee investigating Fast & Furious, this operation was nothing more than a “political ploy to bring gun trafficking into Mexico into the news to support some sort of anti-firearm agenda.”

Rep. Paul Ryan will engage the sitting Vice President Joe Biden in a nationally televised debate on Thursday, October 11. Ryan is in a position where he can bypass the mainstream media and tell Americans how the Obama administration wanted to use dead Mexican bodies as a way to drudge up support for gun control in this country.

Remember, while no one died in Watergate, more than 300 people have perished because of Fast & Furious-gate.

ACTION: Please contact Rep. Paul Ryan and ask him to bring up Fast & Furious in the debate this Thursday with Joe Biden. This is a unique opportunity for him to show how the administration will use diabolical methods to advance its gun control agenda.

Please click here to contact Paul Ryan

----- Letter to Rep. Paul Ryan -----

Dear Rep. Ryan:

I want to thank you for taking a strong stance on Operation Fast & Furious and for calling for the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder.

You are in a unique position where you can bypass the mainstream media and tell Americans how the Obama administration wanted to use dead Mexican bodies as a way to drudge up support for gun control in this country.

Recently, the Spanish news outlet, Univision, said that it was Bill Newell, the Phoenix ATF office leader, who decided that "the only way to track the guns was to wait for weapons to be recovered in crime scenes in Mexico."

In regard to Newell's statement, the Daily Caller says: "That charge, if true, would mean the Obama administration decided to allow cartel operatives to kill and injure people with the weapons it gave them, and to recover the guns only after criminals ditched them at brutal — often deadly — crime scenes."

This has been well-reported in many newspapers around the country:

* “The Obama Administration, according to ATF agents who blew the whistle on the illegal plot, intended to use statistics concerning U.S. guns in Mexico to call for more stringent gun control.” (Examiner, April 18, 2011)

* “The White House often claimed that 90 percent of the weapons used in Mexican crimes had been traced to the United States, but the number has never been substantiated. By all appearances, Fast and Furious delivered statistics to back up the figure.” ("Too fast, too furious," The Washington Times, July 13, 2011.)

In your debate this week, please mention Fast & Furious as yet another example of the way the Obama Administration has failed the American people -- and, specifically in this case, used diabolical methods to advance its gun control agenda.

Remember, while no one died in Watergate, more than 300 people have perished because of Fast & Furious-gate.


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