Sneaky tactic, you can play a role -- Tell your friends -- Permission to circulate granted --

Call the Nevada Governor. Dial 1-775-684-5670 and press "2."

The Nevada legislature recently passed legislation, SB 221, that would
require private firearms transactions to be recorded by a federal firearms
licensee (FFL) and sent to the FBI.

If Nevada's Governor signs this bill, it will be a signal to the
anti-rights bigots that they can accomplish the same thing in your state.

SB 221 is now waiting for a decision by Nevada's Republican Governor,
Brian Sandoval.

He is opting to see which way the political winds are blowing before
making a decision.

He has set up a hotline for people to call in and express their opinion by
simply pressing a button on their telephone.

All you need to do is call 1-775-684-5670 and press "2" to tell Governor
Sandoval that you want him to veto SB 221.

You don't have to live in Nevada. You don't have to leave your name or

The entire process is automated and takes about 15 seconds.
And, you can call as many times as you want! Do it.

New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has invested his significant wealth
in the passage of SB 221 and is generating calls into the Governor's
hotline right now, encouraging Governor Sandoval to sign the universal
registration bill.

If it can happen in Nevada, it can happen in your state.

Call 1-775-684-5670 right away and press "2" to tell Governor Sandoval to
veto SB 221.

I got this alert from The Arizona Citizens Defense League
http://www.azcdl.org, an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots
organization in my state. They got it from Gun Owners of America
http://gunowners.org/alert06072013b.htm. I read the bill myself to make
sure this was for real. It is.

The 28-page bill has other material attached, but the universal gun
registration part is all bad. It is not even clear if the state can force
FFLs to register private gun sales, accept the liability for guns they
don't own, guns which may have been stolen or are defective, and it will
block all guns sales when the feds close the NICS background check center,
which they do from time to time. Then you can't buy a new gun or a used gun
from a friend, especially in an emergency.

Make the call. You know Bloomberg has his minions calling right now.

Call 1-775-684-5670 right away and press "2" to tell Governor Sandoval to
veto SB 221.