[This is an Idea that just might work if there is enough support for it.]

2x4 Tuesday

Every Monday, a new individual will be chosen to receive this friendly reminder. Every Tuesday, without fail, we will mail this helpful hint and delivered every Thursday (give or take a day) we will urge, in our own special way, this individual to remember those most important 27 little words they swore to uphold. We will do this in a very specific way as to let them know, without a doubt, that we mean business and we will continue until all of them have sufficiently stimulated that portion of the brain that remembers such a brief but the oh so important statement of:

A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the RIGHT of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

It seems so simple to us but apparently it is difficult for some to understand that it does not state anything about being “reasonably infringed” or “common sensically” infringed. It says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! Let’s make sure they see the light and help them understand.

Here’s how you can help. Many of you have come forward and told us that you want to help in any way that you can. We are going to take you up on that offer. As you realize, everything costs money. We certainly realize it here at so we have come up with a way to raise much needed funds and you have a way to help us with our campaign of 2x4 Tuesday. We will make available to you, for a $5 donation to the site, a set of six placards to be attached with staples to a simple one foot section of a common 2x4. Once attached, it makes an attractive, home made, solid wood desktop paperweight. What a perfect gift for these busy little bureaucrats who have such a hard time remembering this individual right. Here is what a sample will look like:

They fit perfectly on a one foot section and that is important so that we can all say, with a common voice: “We cut off a foot to save our Arms”. That can be the rally cry of this campaign. We can all mail these special desk ornaments in the FREE 15”x11.5” Tyvek Priority Mail envelopes available at every local post office or available FREE online here: LINK

The mailing labels are also FREE and available at the post office or online here: LINK and sent directly to you at no charge.

Priority Mail is the way to go as they can deliver your 1.25# “statement” from anywhere in the lower 48 states to Washington D.C. in about two (plus or minus 1) days for a cost of $4.80 to $8.25 and do it repeatedly every Tuesday for you. We want you to include a handwritten letter with each "present" you send. We will supply you with some boilerplate letters to use for ideas but it will mean much more if every letter is unique in it’s own way and follows a few simple conventions.

First, it needs to be short and to the point. Keep in mind that the person you are sending this to is so elite that they almost NEVER open their own mail so you will actually be writing to their aide who simply keeps score of the issues for his or her boss. As was said in another thread, The K.I.S.S. principle is best and 3 paragraphs is entirely sufficient. In the first paragraph, tell them what you are going to say. In the second paragraph, say it, and in the third paragraph, tell them what you said. Long diatribes do not even get read before they are thrown away. Always be polite as an armed society is a polite society, never swear, and if you must threaten anything, make sure it is only that you will work to vote them out of a job if they cannot fulfill their oath to uphold the Constitution. Sign off with something unique like “Yours constitutionally", or "Voter #277,453" (pick your own number between 1 and 300,000,000. Also, very important - Mark the envelope "Personal and Confidential" in the lower left hand corner and always ask for a personal reply in your letter. You probably won't get one but it will be just another example of them not doing what we, their employer, ask them to do.

So, for about $10 a week, less than many people spend on lottery tickets or a couple mocha frapachinos, you can help save the 2nd Amendment with a lot more chance of return on your money and a lot less fattening than expensive coffee.

[Much more information for you if you want to get the entire story.]