It seems that the President and Senate are at odds over the leave it in take it out of the Cushy Deals the Senate had already approved. I guess they feel that, “Hay this ain't fair”, we passed this and now you (President) want to strip these out.

Poor babies if I had my way the whole issue would be dropped and never brought up again except as would be required to control things like, Pre. Existing Conditions, The Individual owns their Health Care Package it goes with them no mater where they go, and are able to buy Insurance from what ever and where ever they want, same with Prescription Drugs.

Health Care may need some improvements as to Cost of Insurance and Services, perhaps even some controls on fees charged by Dr. for Office Visits, which I believe could be dealt with by getting rid of frivolous Law Suites, that threaten Dr.'s with huge Settlements for basically nothing of substance other than a Patient seeing a chance to sue for some big bucks. Tort reform is a must to consider in any attempt to lower the Cost of Health Care, This will ruffle a lot of feathers but the one thing we do not need are Attorneys chasing Ambulances, with Court Filling Papers in hand.

We also need to clamp down on any and all fraud in the Medicare/Medicaid Programs, and make the Penalty for this quite severe, the Victims here are our elderly, they deserve better than to get ripped off by holes in a system that was set up to help them. BESIDES THEY HAVE PAID ALL THEIR WORKING LIVES TO PROVIDE THE MONEY BEING USED, SAME WITH HE SOCIAL SECURITY.

I wonder when the Congress will put back the Money they have stolen out of the Fund since Johnson put it into the General Fund during Vietnam?