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House Democrats urge White House to come clean on Gunwalker

David Codrea Gun Rights Examiner June 3rd, 2011 11:51 pm ET

“House Democrats Urge President to End Stonewalling on ‘Gunrunner’,” a June 3 National Rifle Association alert reports. ... px?id=6871

Today, 31 U.S. House members -- all Democrats -- wrote to President Barack Obama, urging him to end Administration stonewalling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' "Project Gunrunner," and the "Fast and Furious" program under which border state dealers were encouraged to sell thousands of guns to suspicious buyers.
The letter was “spearheaded by Rep. Jason Altmire, D-Pa.” Among the key points raised:

“[C]oncerned Americans—regardless of where they stand on gun control issues—deserve prompt and complete answers to the questions surrounding this operation,” the letter asserts, recommending that “while the Department of Justice can and should continue its investigation, those activities should not curtail the ability of Congress to fulfill its oversight duties.”

Click here to read the complete letter. ... ne2011.pdf

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