Hi, I'm new to this site .What I'm looking for is info on a rifle that I purchased a month ago.It's called a 7mm Imperial magnum.It has a Sako action and barrel with import stamp from Oosyeo B.C Canada to Imperial magnum corp.Orroville Washington U.S.The gun is in new cond. The seller gave me 3 boxes of shells with 50 of the 60 rounds still factory loaded,RCBS load dies were also included.The cases are stamped 7mm Imperial .They specs that I've measured are .532 rim..544base 2.339 to shoulder with a 28deg shoulder angle ,530 dia. at shoulder 2.830 aol.These are all from the fired brass that I was given.Similar to but not guite a 7mm rem ultra mag.The rub of it is that the rifle was purchesed new in 1994,well before the 7 RUM was thought of.I have the original purchase reciept It has a 0000x serial number.It is a beutiful rifle for my collection, but I cannot find any factory backgound or history .The phone number for Imperial Magnum Corp in Orroville Wash is not a working number.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thank You.