To keep and bear arms

A 70-year-old South Bend, Indiana, woman was hauling firewood from her garage into her home recently when a man came running at her from the street, chasing her inside. She grabbed her gun and dialed 911. After the assailant burst through her living room window, she held him at gunpoint until police arrived, advising him that he was at the wrong end of the muzzle to make any moves. She has become an instant star, having been contacted by "Good Morning America" and "Fox and Friends" about appearing on both shows. She even did a re-enactment for "Inside Edition," but she had to wait until she was released from the hospital after suffering a heart attack due to the stress of the event. "I'm hoping it will be inspiring to others," she said of the reason she agreed to film the segment, "to let them know that they can do this, that they can protect their homes. And if it comes to it, they can take extreme action."