I heard an old cowboy joke on another board some time ago, it went like this:
'What did the cowboy say when his horse ran over the hill?'
Ans: 'There goes my hoss.'
Didn't get much of a chuckle from me, but when I went down to the local club for dinner, I bumped into Noel Sargeant (65 yr old horsebreaker, still works full time) and an 85 yr old retired drover (aussie cowboy) who worked full time on horseback until he was 68. I told them the joke and they laughed and laughed. I had to get the old guy a drink of water as he was about to choke. It really pressed their buttons.
I also told it to a guy at work who comes from a family that have been farming and grazing (ranching to you guys) for generations and he used to muster stock in the rough country they owned on horseback. He nearly wet himself, he thought that it was the funniest thing he had heard in years. Everytime we crossed paths for the next few weeks, he'd smile and say 'there goes my horse' and then crack up.
Maybe their lives were simpler and they had had a hoss run off on them and had to walk home. Anyway try it on some old cowboy, I'm sure they'll understand.