August 5, 2011 Gun Owners of America


How the Recent Debt Ceiling Law
Affects Gun Owners

Well, the hot debate which dominated the nation for several weeks has finally simmered down. The debt ceiling deal is now law, and both sides of the political aisle are arguing over who won and who lost.

But one thing you won’t hear about -- in fact, we may not fully know the answer for several months -- is how much gun owners lost in this recent deal
Click Here to see what this threat entails and what you can do about it during Congress’ August recess.

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The key to winning public policy battles

Why do Republicans seem to keep losing? GOA founder and chairman Sen. H.L "Bill" Richardson (Ret.) answers that question in the book "Confrontational Politics."

During 22 years of legislative experience, Sen. Richardson found that the only thing that got things done was confrontation.

Democrats typically understand confrontation, like it and use it. Conversely, Republicans do not understand confrontation, don't like it and flee from it.

Readers of "Confrontational Politics" will understand the keys to political victory and also learn about the lobbying philosophy that has earned GOA's reputation as the only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington.

Click here to order your copy today for only $4.95.

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