Arizona Does What U.S. Government Won't Do

URGENT: To uncover the truth behind the Fast & Furious scandal, Arizona has set up its own investigation. Arizona is going to bring state charges against the feds that have refused to testify in the Fast & Furious hearings.

On January 23rd, Arizona speaker of the House Andy Tobin created a special panel to investigate the controversial operation. The goals of the probe are to find out if the feds broke any Arizona laws when they made their straw purchases. The second goal is to find out if any of Arizona gun laws need to be changed to prevent any future gunrunning operations.

Take Action Now & Support Arizona's Fast & Furious Investigation!
Demand An Investigation Of Eric Holder!

More Fast & Furious subpoenas are on their way. According to ABC News,

"[On January 24], Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) re-requested testimony from Patrick Cunningham, the chief of the criminal division of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona. Cunningham had been subpoenaed to testify during a January 24, 2012 Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, but last week, Cunningham's attorney responded to the subpoena by saying his client would "assert his constitutional privilege not to be compelled to be a witness against himself."

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (ATF) set up Operation Fast & Furious to supposedly fight back against the sale of illegal guns. Eric Holder turned a blind eye while the ATF used straw purchasers to send thousands of guns to Mexican gangs. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by one of the smuggled guns.

Take Action Now & Support Arizona's Fast & Furious Investigation!
Demand An Investigation Of Eric Holder!

Rep. Issa said,

"...[Eric Holder] should find a way to make it very clear to our neighbors to the south -- at least to the government and at least publicly -- that there needs to be deep regret for what happened and there needs to be reassurances that it never happens again."

Eric Holder is not only stonewalling the investigation but he has given conflicting accounts of what truly did happen with Operation Fast and Furious. Even worse, Eric It's-always-somebody-else's-fault Holder has NOT offered an apology to the family members of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Even after a Republican Senator urged him to apologize, all Holder could come up with was that he really regrets how the events transpired.

There is NO justice in Holder's Justice Department. 44 Republican Congressmen are now calling for Holder's resignation. As attorney general, Eric Holder is the chief law enforcement officer in the U.S. How can we expect him to enforce the law when he can't even follow the law himself? That is why we need your help. Tell the Arizona state representatives and state senators that you support their Fast & Furious investigation.

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Arizona's Investigation Of
Operation Fast & Furious!

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Thank you. I know I can count on you.


Alan M. Gottlieb
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

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