Gun Owners of America


Nevada's Governor Vetoes Universal Background Checks!

While Biden set to jumpstart push for gun control next week

“One of the few who do know what they are doing is Gun Owners of America and Larry Pratt.” -- Peter Moss, “Who is Winning the Gun War?” AmmoLand, June 5, 2013

Stunning victory for gun rights in Nevada!

You guys did a tremendous job bombarding Governor Brian Sandoval’s office with phone calls, and he has listened to your appeals.

Governor Sandoval vetoed the Universal Background Check bill yesterday, and now, the anti-gun Left is in full-mourning.

The Associated Press reports that, “It is a significant defeat for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control advocacy group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns [MAIG]. The organization spent hundreds of thousands of dollars working to get the bill passed through to the governor.”

Despite Bloomberg’s fortune, his anti-gun MAIG simply doesn’t have the grassroots behind it.

GOA was joined by other groups on Tuesday, June 4, in asking Nevada gun owners to urge Sandoval to veto the legislation.

The next day, reports the Las Vegas Review-Journal, “2,200 people called his office between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.... Four out of five calls [were] for the veto.”

According to the Journal, this onslaught was one of the chief reasons that the Governor set up a hotline number. His office simply couldn’t get work done as they were being “bombarded by calls from people who want the governor to veto the gun control bill passed by the Legislature.”

Once the Governor set up a hotline number -- and Bloomberg started running ads urging people nationwide to call it -- GOA urged gun owners nationwide (last Friday) to call Sandoval’s office.

As of this past Tuesday, more than 100,000 calls had already been placed to the Governor. And this just underscores how important it is for gun owners to join GOA’s email service.

Every new person you encourage to sign up for our free email alerts or for a new GOA membership gives us a louder voice in Washington and in states across the country!

The Governor was inclined to veto the gun control bill all along, but gun owners can be sure that -- had the poll results gone the other way -- he could have been easily persuaded to bow to Bloomberg’s pressure.

Nevada is a key state as it is home to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) and to “swing vote” Senator Dean Heller (R). Defeating Universal Background Checks in the Silver State -- with overwhelming numbers of callers opposing it -- sends a powerful message from a Purple State, that Americans do NOT want additional gun control!

Thanks to everyone who emailed our alerts ... who made phone calls ... and who registered their opinion with the Governor’s office.

Your activism makes a difference ... and your continued support helps keep us in the fight.

Double-barrel Joe Biden set to jumpstart push for gun control

Meanwhile, at the national level, the Vice President is planning an event where he will push gun control next week.

While he’s keeping the details of the event hush-hush, Biden said, “I personally haven’t given up [efforts at gun control], nor has the President.”

GOA will keep you posted on all the latest news and efforts in Washington to restrict our gun rights.

Thanks again for your support. And remember:

Every new person you encourage to sign up for our free email alerts or for a new GOA membership gives us a louder voice in Washington and in states across the country!

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